SELECT . . . INTO Statement (Make-Table Query)

Creates a new table from values selected from one or more other tables. Make-table queries are most useful for providing backup snapshots or for creating tables with rolled-up totals at the end of an accounting period.


SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT | DISTINCTROW | TOP number PERCENT]] INTO new-table-name [IN ] FROM >. [IN ] [WHERE ] [GROUP BY column-name. ] [HAVING ] [UNION [ALL] ] [[ORDER BY . ] | IN  <[source connect string]>[WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION];
 [AS output-column-name] | table-name.* | query-name.* | correlation-name.*>. >
() AS correlation-name | > [OUTER]> JOIN ) AS correlation-name | > ON )

Notes A SELECT. INTO query creates a new table with the name specified in new-table-name. If a table with that name already exists, the database displays a dialog box that asks you to confirm the deletion of the existing table before it creates a new one in its place. The columns in the new table inherit the data type attributes of the columns produced by the .

However, you cannot include a multi-valued field, calculated field, or an attachment field in the .

If you include an IN clause for both the INTO and the FROM clauses, both must refer to the same source database.


To create a new table that summarizes all sales by product and by month, enter the following (qxmplProductSalesMakeTable):

SELECT tblProducts.ProductName, Format([DateSold],"yyyy mm") AS MonthSold, Sum(tblContactProducts.SoldPrice) AS TotalSales INTO tblMonthSalesSummary FROM tblProducts INNER JOIN tblContactProducts ON tblProducts.ProductID = tblContactProducts.ProductID GROUP BY tblProducts.ProductName, Format([DateSold],"yyyy mm");

In this tutorial:

  1. Understanding SQL
  2. SQL SELECT Queries
  3. BETWEEN Predicate
  4. Comparison Predicate
  5. EXISTS Predicate
  6. Expression
  7. FROM Clause
  8. GROUP BY Clause
  9. HAVING Clause
  10. IN Clause
  11. IN Predicate
  12. LIKE Predicate
  13. NULL Predicate
  14. PARAMETERS Declaration
  15. Quantified Predicate
  16. Search Condition
  17. SELECT Statement
  18. Subquery
  19. TRANSFORM Statement
  20. UNION Query Operator
  21. WHERE Clause
  22. SQL Action Queries
  23. INSERT Statement (Append Query)
  24. SELECT . . . INTO Statement (Make-Table Query)
  25. UPDATE Statement