General Education Program

FGCU’s General Education Program is about embracing the joys of learning that will sustain you in your life and career. Each General Education course is an entry point for you to view the world through a different intellectual lens, expanding your understanding of the complexity of human experience and your role within a rapidly changing world. General Education encourages a spirit of inquiry and creativity that integrates knowledge and approaches from multiple fields to enrich students’ academic lives, career trajectories, and personal growth.

The skills that you will develop in these courses will allow you to become a more effective and responsible writer, thinker, and citizen. The General Education experience will complement your major and prepare you to effect change in the world and adapt to the challenges of the future.

Knowledge in Multiple Disciplines

Courses in Communication, Mathematics, the Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences acquaint students with an array of subject areas and disciplinary methods.

Practical Intellectual Skills

Emphasis on critical thinking, effective communication, and quantitative reasoning develops students’ academic, career, and life skills.

Intercultural Knowledge

Responsible and creative engagement with local and global communities allows students to realize their impact on diverse and interconnected social worlds.

Students should use the 2024-2025 General Education Program Courses reference sheet as a general guide for understanding what courses FGCU's General Education Program offers. Not all listed courses will be offered each semester. View Program Course Guide (COLOR) VIEW PROGRAM COURSE GUIDE (GRAYSCALE)

General Education Program Details

Subject Area Requirements

Students must earn a minimum grade of C in all courses used to satisfy General Education Communication, Mathematics, State Core Humanities, State Core Social Sciences, and State Core Natural Sciences subject areas. A grade of C- does not satisfy the requirement of a minimum grade of C.

MAC 1105 College Algebra

MAC 2311 Calculus I

MGF 1130 Thinking Mathematically

STA 2023 Statistical Methods

(Any General Education Program Mathematics course for which one of the General Education State Core course options in Mathematics is an immediate prerequisite may be used to satisfy the State Mathematics Core.)

ARH 2000 Art Appreciation

HUM 1020 Introduction to Humanities

LIT 2000 Introduction to Literature

MUL 2010 Music Appreciation

PHI 1010 Introduction to Philosophy

THE 2000 Theatre Appreciation

AMH 2010 US History to 1877

AMH 2020 US History Since 1877

ANT 2000 Introduction to Anthropology

ECO 2013 Principles of Macroeconomic

POS 2041 America National Government

PSY 2012 General Psychology

AST 2002C Introduction to Space Science

BSC 1005 Biological Science

BSC 1010C General Biology I w/Lab

BSC 1085C Human Anatomy & Physiology I w/Lab

CHM 1020 Chemistry in Society

CHM 1045 General Chemistry I

ESC 1000C Introduction to Earth Science

EVR 1001C Introduction to Environmental Science

GLY 1010C Physical Geology

OCE 1001C Introduction to Oceanography

PHY 2020 Conceptual Physics

PHY 2048C General Physics w/Lab I

PHY 2053 College Physics w/Lab I

(Any General Education Program Natural Sciences course for which one of the General Education State Core course options in Natural Sciences is an immediate prerequisite may be used to satisfy the State Natural Sciences Core.)

Competency Requirements

Competency requirements are embedded throughout General Education courses and are not in addition to subject-area requirements. Courses fulfilling a competency requirement will also count toward the subject area-requirements

Humanities INKN Courses

AML 2010 Literature & Culture of US, I

AML 2020 Literature & Culture of US, II

ARH 2050 History of the Visual Arts I

ARH 2051 History of the Visual Arts II

ARH 2500 Survey of Non-Western Art

ENL 2012 British Literature/Culture I

ENL 2022 British Literature/Culture II

FRE 1120C Beginning French 1

FRE 1121C Beginning French 2

FRE 2220C Intermediate French 1

GER 1120C Beginning German 1

GER 1121C Beginning German 2

GER 2210C Accelerated Interm. German

HUM 1020 Introduction to Humanities

HUM 1931 Humanities and Social Issues

HUM 2395 Environmental Humanities

LIT 2000 Introduction to Literature

LIT 2110 Intro to World Lit & Culture I

LIT 2120 Intro to World Lit & Culture II

MUL 2010 Music Appreciation

MUH 2018 Jazz Appreciation

MUH 2512 World Music Cultures

MUN 1120 Symphonic Band

MUN 1310 University Choir

MUN 2210 Symphony Orchestra

PHI 1630 Contemporary Moral Issues

PHI 2000 The History of Ideas

PHI 2016 Philosophy through Film

REL 2306 Contemporary World Religions

SPN 1120C Beginning Spanish 1

SPN 1121C Beginning Spanish 2

SPN 2220C Intermediate Spanish 1

THE 2000 Theatre Appreciation

THE 2100 Theatre History

THE 2300 Survey of Dramatic Literature

Social Sciences INKN Courses

AEB 2104 Economics of Feeding the World

ANT 2000 Introduction to Anthropology

ANT 2100 Introduction to Archaeology

ANT 2211 Peoples of the World

ANT 2410 Cultural Anthropology

CPO 2001 Intro to Comparative Politics

EUH 1000 Western Tradition, Part I

EUH 2011 Ancient European History

EUH 2012 Roman Republic and Empire

EUH 2021 Medieval European History

EUH 2030 Early Modern Europe

EUH 2031 Modern Euro History

GEA 2000 Introduction to Geography

HIS 2301 History and Film

HSC 2106 Choosing Wellness

INR 2015 Global Studies

LAH 2020 Intro Latin American History

SYG 2000 Introduction to Sociology

SYG 2010 Social Problems

SYG 2012 Global Sociology

SYG 2220 Introduction to Gender Studies

WOH 1023 World Civilization 1500-1815

WOH 1030 World Civilization since 1815

Natural Sciences INKN Courses

ANT 2511C Intro to Physical Anthropology

BOT 2800 Plants and Society