Performance Fuel Injection Systems HP1557 : How to Design, Build, Modify, and Tune EFI and ECU Systems.Covers Components, Se nsors, Fuel and Ignition Requirements, Tuning the Stock ECU, Piggyback and Stan

A practical guide to modifying and tuning modern electronic fuel injection (EFI) systems, including engine control units (ECUs). The book starts out with plenty of foundational topics on wiring, fuel systems, sensors, different types of ignition systems, and other topics to help ensure the reader understands how EFI Systems work. Next the book builds on that foundation, helping the reader to understand the different options available: Re-tuning factory ECUs, add on piggyback computers, or all out standalone engine management systems. Next Matt and Jerry help the reader to understand how to configure a Standalone EMS, get the engine started, prep for tuning, and tune the engine for maximum power and drivability. Also covered is advice on tuning other functions-- acceleration enrichments, closed loop fuel correction, and more. Finally, the book ends with a number of case studies highlighting different vehicles and the EMS solutions that were chosen for each, helping to bring it all together with a heavy emphasis on how you can practically approach your projects and make them successful!

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Fuel Delivery EFI Wiring Sensors and How the ECU Uses Them The Ignition System ECU Extras Factory Stock ECUs Piggybacks and Fooling the Stock Standalone Engine Management Systems Dealing with Functions the Stock ECU Controlled Configuring and Tuning Your Engine Management System Troubleshooting Case Studies ABOUT THE AUTHORS Tweaking the Stock

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Об авторе (2010)

Matt Cramer is an engineer with, an aftermarket engine electronics firm. He is the coauthor with Jerry Hoffmann of Performance Fuel Injection Systems HP1557.

Jerry Hoffmann is the founder/CEO of With an IT background and being a lifetime car-guy hobbyist, he found a need for affordable engine management and education during one of his own projects when turbocharging a personal car and melded his computer career with his love for cars. His company specializes in equipping do-it-yourselfers to actually hand-build and implement electronic fuel injection systems in their own garage. And as such Hoffmann has installed and tuned EFI systems on numerous vehicles, street-driven classics, road-course- club racers, drag racers, and land-speed cars out at the Bonneville Salt Flats. His aim is to help others understand EFI in a practical hands-on manner, with less interest on the engineering ease and more focus on the practical need-to-know-how, and to empower people to affordably and knowledgeably build and implement their own EFI systems on their favorite automotive monstrosities.

Библиографические данные

Название Performance Fuel Injection Systems HP1557: How to Design, Build, Modify, and Tune EFI and ECU Systems.Covers Components, Se nsors, Fuel and Ignition Requirements, Tuning the Stock ECU, Piggyback and Stan
Авторы Matt Cramer , Jerry Hoffmann
Издатель Penguin, 2010
ISBN 1101189088, 9781101189085
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 160
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan