Drinking water system owners and operators can use the materials and tools below to assist them in complying with requirements of the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Rule.
- The CCR Rule: A Quick Reference Guide
- Preparing your CCR
Assists drinking water systems with preparing and distributing CCRs.
- Best Practices Factsheet
Recommended best practices regarding CCR design, look, information (Part 1) and tips for successful CCR electronic delivery (Part 2).
- Translations for Public NotificationExit
Provides more than two dozen translations for informational statements to use on CCRs.
- Detected regulated contaminants table with CCR units and health effects language
- Converting Laboratory Units into CCR Units
Assists community water systems in converting their laboratory results into CCR units.
The EPA has designed the CCRiWriter to help community water systems quickly create their consumer confidence reports. It takes users through:
- All the sections of a CCR,
- Converts lab results into "CCR units", and
- Allows users to insert and edit EPA's recommended text.
CCRiWriter is a Web-based application that requires internet access to use.
Contact Us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem.