Our values & commitments

Bringing sustainability to business and protecting communities

What does corporate responsibility mean to us?
Corporate responsibility is at the heart of how we help our clients build their business while protecting people, communities, and the environment. It means fighting climate change, addressing social inequalities, and giving back to society. Combining our passion with advanced expertise, we design and deliver worldwide solutions for partners and communities to protect what matters, when it matters.

Alongside our commitment to participate in creating a more sustainable world, the AXA for Progress Index helps our teams and employees make our actions more concrete. This index is articulated around 7 core engagements, and all related goals and targets benefit from their own KPIs. Hence, following AXA’s purpose to “Act for human progress by protecting what matters”, the index is a good indicator of the impact of the Group’s sustainability strategy. As an insurer, as an investor and as a company aiming to be exemplary, AXA is determined to reach every one of the objectives regarding climate and inclusive protection covered by our strategic plan “Driving Progress 2023”.

At AXA Partners, we are fully involved to make sure our business partners benefit from the positive outcomes of this strategy as well.