Resumes and Cover Letters

Your resume represents you when you aren’t there. It is your professional “snapshot”. Your resume determines if you get an interview, and interview determines if you get a job. Take the time to do your resume right! Creating a resume is a process; don’t expect a perfect resume on your first try.

We can help! Attend our workshops for the basics on resume and cover letter writing. Get ideas from the hundreds of different sample resumes available in our career library. Have a staff member critique your resume for content, formatting and accuracy, no appointment necessary!

What is a Resume?

Quick Tips

Drop-in Resume Critique

Once you have completed a draft of your resume, you should ask at least one other person to review it before submitting it to a prospective employer. Our peer advisors are available during drop-in hours to critique a hard copy of your resume. Please plan to attend a Resume workshop before coming in for your critique.

What is a Cover Letter?

Cover Letters introduce you and your resume to prospective employers. The content of a cover letter can be broken down into three basic parts: