Make flashcards in your notes. Cut study time in half.

Join 1,000,000 + students adding an extra day to their weekend!

Create a flashcard in 0.43 seconds

No more switching apps. Just type in your notes to make a flashcard.

Study efficiently with spaced repetition

Flashcards shown at intelligently-timed intervals (spaced repetition) outperform all other learning techniques, in study after study.

Spaced repetition retention graph

Notes that make your classes click

Craft mind-map-style notes, connect ideas with references, and annotate PDFs right within your notes.

Spaced repetition retention graph

Walk into exams knowing memory won't be a problem

There's a reason why 89% of students experience less exam stress after using RemNote.

Spaced repetition retention graphSpaced repetition retention graph

Join 1,000,000 + students to get an extra day off each weekend!

Med student at Harvard

I began my premed journey as a Power-User of Anki. The greatest hassle was converting my lecture notes into cards. RemNote streamlines this process unlike anything else out there. It allows you to study while facilitating memorization and card creation without breaking flow. It’s a priceless superpower for all students!

Danny Geisz CS student at Berkeley

RemNote is like a hardcore drug, except when you get hopelessly addicted to it your life is more organized and you’re probably smarter.

Shabab Bin Maahdi High school student

Everyone in this team is so passionate. And did I mention the product itself? MINDBLOWING. The rate at which it accelerates learning is insanely high! Safe to say, It is going to be the best knowledge handling app out here.

Savannah Feder Student at UBC

RemNote has quickly become one of my favourite products of all time. I used to forget nearly all the information captured into my knowledge base – but now I feel like I have this superpower to remember anything I find important. Super satisfying to run through flashcards too :) For any students out there, I scored top marks with half as much effort the term I switched to RemNote. Works like magic 🪄

Danny Geisz CS student at Berkeley

RemNote is like a hardcore drug, except when you get hopelessly addicted to it your life is more organized and you’re probably smarter.

Savannah Feder Student at UBC

RemNote has quickly become one of my favourite products of all time. I used to forget nearly all the information captured into my knowledge base – but now I feel like I have this superpower to remember anything I find important. Super satisfying to run through flashcards too :) For any students out there, I scored top marks with half as much effort the term I switched to RemNote. Works like magic 🪄