Ryan Dube is a freelance contributor to Lifewire and former Managing Editor of MakeUseOf, senior IT Analyst, and an automation engineer.
Updated on April 2, 2024 Reviewed byRyan Perian is a certified IT specialist who holds numerous IT certifications and has 12+ years' experience working in the IT industry support and management positions.
When you're connected to a hotspot but there's no internet access, you might not see any errors to help identify the reason; the internet will simply stop working. However, troubleshooting and fixing the cause isn't difficult.
When you're connected to the internet via a hotspot, there are multiple possible points of failure and any of them can cause connection problems. Your hotspot's network could stop working if your phone runs out of power or its Wi-Fi gets disabled.
The best way to troubleshoot these problems is to start with your mobile device since it's the source of your internet connection. Once you've confirmed the mobile device isn't having any issues, then move on to your computer.
This article addresses problems related to a phone or tablet that's acting as a mobile hotspot, so the troubleshooting tips apply to Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. However, some of the steps are equally applicable to dedicated hotspot devices.
Are you connected to the hotspot but can't access websites? Maybe your hotspot connection drops unexpectedly and won't reconnect. Regardless, these troubleshooting tips should get you back online in no time:
If data access is turned on but the hotspot still doesn't have internet, check your data usage; you might have run out! We have some other tips for fixing mobile data problems if it's not that.
If you're using your phone as a hotspot, you can purchase a cell phone signal booster if moving the device doesn't help. Keep in mind that most signal boosters aren't super mobile.
A hotspot might use your mobile data plan, depending on how you've set it up. If your service provider bills you for data usage or otherwise limits your data, you could end up with large, unexpected surcharges on your bill. So, be sure you understand your plan limitations before you start using your mobile hotpot too frequently.
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